Thursday, March 6, 2008

fashion pickle

I think we throw the word ‘emergency’ around way too much. If while chopping tomatoes, you slice your finger off at the knuckle, then okay, you can say ‘emergency’ to your heart’s content. But otherwise, let’s reserve the term for situations that warrant its use. And don’t think that just because you put the word “fashion” in front of “emergency” that that makes it okay. White shoes with a brown belt is hardly a reason to get a fire fighter up from his nap. So let’s just collectively resolve to dispense altogether with the term “fashion emergency." Deal? Unless of course your shirt comes to life and tries to strangle you. Or if a guy is cursed to experience the excruciating consequences of zipping up much too fast. If either of those things occurs, then you have my permission to refer to it as a fashion emergency.

"Fashion pickle," on the other hand, might be a more appropriate way to describe a situation riddled with poor clothing selection. "Wow John, that flannel shirt really doesn't go with those leather pants. Looks like you're in a serious fashion pickle."

That's much better.


TheMoncurs said...

What if your clothes catch on fire, would that qualify as a fashion emergency? Cause I'm pretty sure that merits waking up the fireman.

clintclintclintclint said...

it depends. did the fire originate in the clothing? if so, then yes, that would be a fashion emergency. but if the fire was a pre-existing fire that somehow spread to the clothing, then no. that is just an emergency affecting fashion and non-fashion alike. the exception to that would be if the fire was a pre-existing fire that spread only from clothing to clothing and affected numerous individuals. that would the be classified as what is know as a "fashional disaster." for that you can wake the president.