You guessed it—a Star Wars-themed cookbook. It was just laying face down in the asphalt, all lonely-like. You can bet that there is some little poindexter out there somewhere, heartbroken to have misplaced it, demoralized at the prospect of having to eat boring old earth food for dinner tonight. The pictures and recipes are downright hilarious. Observe:

This next one is my favorite:

I think this proves that something can simultaneously be both pathetic and amazing.
More amazing than pathetic though.
oh my gosh. I just realized that chewy is wearing a bump-it.
i didn't know he was from utah.
I submit that it is entirely amazing. And I think you should have found a way to make the Bump-it plural. Frankly I think anyone wearing pits in her hair deserves a good laugh.
Clint!!! Believe it or not, I am the heartbroken poindexter who lost one of his most prized possessions on the planet! I got this book as a birthday present from my parents, a moment that has been forever captured in film with me nearly laughing my head right off at Han shooting ketchup and Yoda force-lifting a milkshake out of a swamp! This book is pure genius. Lincoln seems to find as much wonder in perusing its pages as we drive. Yesterday morning I was taking him to school and inadvertently left the book (and a pack of diapers) on the back of my car. I drove off and when I realized what I'd done, I sank into a sudden depression. I found the diapers tire-marked and dirty on the freeway onramp but my prized culinary tome was not to be found. Of all the people in the world, I'm glad you found it! Tell you what, I'll make you a plate of wookie cookies in exchange for getting it back. Deal?
- Shawn
sorry shawn. i'd love to return the book, but it's been frozen in carbonite.
Oh my heavens!!! You have got to be kidding me. That is the silliest thing I have ever seen next to penguin cupcakes.
shawn, i want wookie cookies. deal.
that cookbook is the funniest, i am looking for one on ebay for dallin's friend who worships star wars. are these comments made up.... seriously, did the someone who really lost that cookbook really see it on your blog??!! because you are related to blake i can't tell if this is a hoax, what are the chances of that? ha ha. beware of greedy people who see the cool book on your blog and will leave any kind of comments to get it.
just bought it. i'm still the primary pres and there is an 11 year old boy who hates primary but is obsessed with star wars... i'm thinking for $15 i might have just bought myself a new little friend. thanks clint!
oh dang cherryl.i wish i would have seen your comment earlier. the cookbook is $3 on amazon.
this is way too awesome to be a hoax.
Clearly the force is with you! ;)
Oh!!! Oh my gosh I have to own this book.
Must find!
clint - i'm sick of seeing hoth chocolate when i come to your blog.
new post.
I was given this book as a gift a while back. The Bossk brownies were pleasantly surprising.
I love this cookbook!
-Nikki Money
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