Monday, April 7, 2008

are you what you eat?

I’ve long been fascinated by the old adage “you are what you eat.” Any time I find myself considering Pop-Tarts to be a potentially suitable breakfast, those words, spoken in my mother’s knaggiest voice (which is hardly knaggy at all), flood into my psyche guiding my reach towards the box of Special K instead.

However well-principled, the old axiom hardly withstands even superficial scrutiny. For instance, it is a well established fact that I am indeed a human. But I don’t eat human. Oh my, I am something without eating that thing—consider the adage officially exposed.

Despite being thoroughly man-handled by my superior logic and reasoning skills, the proverb in question has experienced a resurrection in the Hardison home as of late. For a brief period, Angela was whimsically referring to me as ‘Peanut Butter’ on account of my semi-unmanageable fascination with that gloriously nutty paste. In a kindly retort, I began to call her ‘Smiles’ for so named are the Wal-Mart brand fruit snacks she frequently and fondly consumes. The game took a turn for the hurtful however, when Angela started calling me after a certain breakfast cereal that I find myself partial to—Fruity Pebbles. It was then that I abruptly discontinued our game, putting a stern end to any further reference to my pebbles as fruity.

1 comment:

Lindsey Kilpatrick said...

But you are a bit fruity. Zac Efron, need I say more...I better stop eating stuff from Fresh and Easy.