1: Professional basketball player
Think about all the starving people in the world. What do they all have in common? They’re short and they can’t shoot. Have you ever seen a seven foot four inch western European guy with a sweet baby hook begging for nickels? Me neither.
2: Teacher
The way I figure it, whenever a recession sets in, the quality of teaching in public schools drops precipitously. Why? Job security. Teachers watch each other’s backs. By advancing to the next grade students who have learned little or nothing, teachers ensure the need for subsequent teachers to teach the idiot kids the basics they’ve yet to apprehend. It’s a system that spans all the way up to college. Don’t believe me? Why do you think you learn about mitosis in seventh grade, ninth grade, eleventh grade and in college? Exactly. It’s a big inter-teacher conspiracy.
3. Body guard
If ever there is a time that my desire to attack celebrities is in full bloom, it's during a recession. Why should no-talent, brainless hacks like Paris Hilton get all the money while everyday stiffs like myself have to work through four years of college just to prove possessive of the capability to work away the remainder of life? It’s downright unfair. However, I’m pretty sure tackling an over-paid incompetent like Nicholas Cage into a lamppost would really help me blow off some steam. Then to further even the score, I’d steal his Rolex and hock it in order to buy bread for my children. So what does that make me and the host of people equally upset regarding celebrity excess? Bodyguard job security. Think about it. Plus, I think the sunglasses are standard issue.
4. Dictator
Sure, it’s a tough gig to wrangle, but once you do, you’re set. And don’t you worry about recession-time layoffs. Your subjects will be so used to poverty that they won’t even notice the stock market plummeting. Heck, if you play your propaganda cards right, they’ll never even have heard about private ownership, much less the stock market. Plus you control the food and water supply. Just make sure they are too malnourished to ever organize a revolution. Seriously, it’s a lot of legwork, but after a few years, really, you’re golden.
5. Democratic Presidential Nominee
This one’s no mystery. When the economy is in the dumps, Americans stampede, with palms extended and pockets outturned, to democrats. If you find yourself as Democratic presidential nominee, don’t worry about utterly breaking the back of the capitalist system that has served as the catalyst for American ingenuity and progression for hundreds of years. Seriously, just promise money to everyone and they’ll love you. They'll elect you to whatever position you want. You’ll be like a kid who brings poison cup cakes into class to celebrate his birthday. Almost never do people connect the violent diarrhea hours later to the cup cakes that tasted so good just before afternoon recess. They just remember that you did them a solid by ponying up thickly iced cup cakes. You’re home free.
These are just a few of many possible jobs with which to thrive in a down economy. But don’t limit yourself. Be creative. Maybe you could start a money-counterfeiting ring. Or perhaps you should consider starting a casino. Don’t overlook the timeless tactic of kidnapping/ransom. I hear they have some very realistic-looking ransom note fonts these days. Think of all the time you’ll save now that you don’t have to hunt through magazines looking for an appropriately sized and sinister-enough-looking letter ‘J.’ Throw those scissors in the waste bin. Sore cutting wrists and paper cuts are a thing of the past. Everything is streamlined these days. Really, the sky is the limit.
I got another recession proof job for you. Stay at home mom. I haven't been layed-off, demoted or even threatened with a pay cut. Instead, my co. is demanding more hours, time and responsibility. Only problem is payment is snuggles, kisses, and loves rather than cold hard cash. I'd take the first any day!
Clint, Clint, Clint. You are funny, funny, funny. I think everyone will now feel the need to list other recession-proof jobs in your comments section. I sure do. Tax preparer.
hey joe blogs,
as you can see, i deleted your comment. it's not necessarily because i disagree. (i am by no means a fan of george bush or his numerous policies and tactics with which he has slapped fiscal conservatism in the face.) rather, i deleted your comment because i don't think the comments section on my blog is the appropriate medium for political debate. pretty much any reference to politics found in my blog is made in jest. so if it's heated debate your after, feel free to comment elsewhere.
I'm in no means searching a heated debate. Just adding context for anyone feeling disenchanted.
It is funny considering the last line in your message, tho.
6. Graphic Designer
Right? It's all about the right-brained thinkers.
Time for a new one. Maybe one about your ridiculously, ridiculously adorable niece and nephew.
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