Saturday, May 3, 2008


Don’t tell me to give someone a hug for you. Because I’m not going to. That hug which you gave to me to give to another I will hoard for myself instead.

The value of the American dollar is rapidly depleting. Eventually it will fail altogether. And then we’ll have to find a new form of currency. People will suggest all sorts of things to replace the dollar —gold, baseball cards, those rubbery Lance Armstrong wrist band things, wampum—you know, whatever. And that’s when I will create an extremely powerful and persuasive political action committee to lobby Washington lawmakers. Under the profound influence of my lobbyist henchmen, the federal government will unite to decree hugs to be the new national currency. And because every time someone hugs me and tells me to pass it on to another party I instead keep it for myself, I’ll be the richest man in America. Hugs-wise.


Lindsey Kilpatrick said...

Well, I see that your friend list is growing yet you have not included me. This is the last post you will get from me until I am listed as a friend. Also, I am holding back all hugs until you do so. Both in person or via another person. :^(

K-Kill said...

I see how it is, we aren't your friends? I think we need to duke it out with the Nerf guns.

blakeblakeblakeblake said...

don't worry man....they aren't my friends either.

Lindsey Kilpatrick said...

I disown you both. No more orbios for Clint. And for you Balke, you will have to plan your own dates from now on.

Ashlee Martin Smith said...

Hi. I love your blog, and I think your stories are great, and I think you and your wife may even know my husband. I think it's great how into the whole grammar thing you are, and frankly, so am I. Which is why I love what I'm about to say!! A few weeks back, in your post entitled "water cup", there was an incorrect usage of the word "I". Simply replacing it with a "me" would solve a myriad of problems, but most likely wouldn't make a huge difference! I just enjoyed catching it!! Love your blog! Keep the posts coming.

clintclintclintclint said...

I always appreciate a keen eye for grammar.